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The Original Thoughtful Gift Alternatives To Flowers
Set up in 2013, Not Another Bunch Of Flowers was the original website offering gift alternatives to flowers.
The business was inspired by my cancer diagnosis when all of my wonderful friends and family sent me bunches of flowers along with their messages of support. Obviously, it was wonderful knowing how many people were thinking of me and rooting for me, and the first few bunches of flowers were cheerful and colourful and really brightened up my house. However, I soon ran out of vases, and was also hospitalised on a number of occasions, so didn’t get to enjoy the flowers that were sent to me. 90% of hospitals now ban flowers on hospital wards. I also found it quite upsetting being surrounded by dying flowers when I was facing a life-threatening illness – the same cancer that had killed my mother. It was a reminder of how fragile life is.
Following my treatment, many of my friends and family said they had felt helpless, but hadn’t known what else to do but to send me flowers. This inspired me to set up a site with gifts and treats that are safe to use during treatment. Many are about the same price as a bunch of flowers, but last much longer and are more thoughtful.
I’m not saying that these gifts will make everything OK! Of course they wont. But when you’re going through a long or serious illness, to receive little reminders that people love you and are thinking of you is such a boost. And even more so if accompanied by a little gift to lift your spirits!
The brand name ‘Not Another Bunch Of Flowers’ is about choosing a thoughtful gift that stands out from all of the flowers they will no doubt receive. It’s not about slagging off flowers! I still love receiving gorgeous blooms. It’s just that
I am so proud of how my little business has grown and developed. I started working from my kitchen table (the one in the pic above!) with the stock stored in boxes in our spare bedroom – and now have a team of 6, operating out of an office in a converted barn, surrounded by countryside with a large warehouse!
We have expanded our gift offerings from purely get well gifts to a wide range of thoughtful gifts for all occasions from having a baby and christenings to birthday and Christmas presents. Our recent addition of being able to personalise presents has opened up our gift offerings further. We offer a gift wrapping service and love ensuring that the gifts go out looking gorgeous!
And most importantly, we have donated over £30,000 to cancer charities close to my heart.
I want to say a heartfelt and massive THANK YOU to all of you who have supported me along the way – my family and friends, my wonderful suppliers, and, most importantly, my FABULOUS customers! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! xxx
What to send instead of flowers?
We offer a wide range of gifts for him, for her and for little people including:
All gifts can be lovingly wrapped and either sent to you to give in person, or directly to the recipient with a handwritten message of your choice.
Mother’s Day is just around the corner (Sunday 30th March 2025), and if you’re anything like us, you want to make this day extra special for the phenomenal women in your life! While flowers are lovely, it’s often the thoughtful gifts that truly make an impact. This year, let’s explore how to create the perfect…
Whether you’re thanking someone for their kindness, support, or a favour, a thoughtful thank you gift can make all the difference. The perfect thank-you gift depends on your relationship with the recipient and the occasion. For close friends and family, personal and sentimental gifts work best. When thanking co-workers or mentors, a practical yet thoughtful…