Care Packages

care packages gift delivery gifts for her
Care Packages
Browse our gifts, gift boxes and care packages and send a little something to show you are thinking of them. All gifts can be lovingly wrapped and either sent to you to give in person, or sent directly to the recipient with a handwritten message.
care package gift box present hamper

Build a Gift Box

Care Packages

Create a truly unique care package for any occasion with our bespoke gift boxes. Simply choose your box design and fill with your choice of gifts.

pampering gift box care package

Ready-Made Gift Boxes

Care Packages

Browse our ready-made gift boxes that are lovingly packaged and ready to go - created with gifts handpicked by us for your convenience.

277 Results
  • VEGAN HiP Chocolate: Peanut Butter Oat Milk Chocolate Truffle Bites

    With a sweet shell of oat m!lk chocolate and a gloriously gooey filling of peanut butter, don’t be surprised if these bite-sized delights drive you (pea)nuts.Made with the finest cocoa from Colombia and combined with delicious creamy oat m!lk, these smooth chocolate balls are generously filled with peanut butter.
  • Very British Problems: The Most Awkward One Yet

    Based on the very popular Facebook account, Very British Problems are sweeping the nation like never before. Put the kettle on, kick back and enjoy identifying with this collection of humurous takes on the world around us.
  • Wildflower Seeds Tube - Various Flowers

    We LOVE these gorgeous tubes of wildflower seeds. And they are super easy to grow, so it doesn't matter if you don't have the greenest of fingers!

    Choose from 5 different flower types.

  • You Are Incredible Just As You Are | Emily Coxhead

    This inspiring journal is designed to help you find your way in a world where comparison and judgement can make it hard to stay true to yourself. Using a mixture of prompts, tick boxes and space to write down thoughts, as well as uplifting quotes and thought-provoking words, this beautifully designed book by the creator of The Happy News will help you feel more confident in yourself and less anxious about what other people think. 
  • You Are Loved Charm

    “You are loved beyond measure”.This gorgeous little charm reminds the bearer that they are loved and being thought of as they face difficult times. It can be worn on a necklace or bracelet - or simply carried as a good luck charm.A pewter teardrop charm inscribed with the simple phrase “you are loved” and attached to a card that reads “you are loved beyond measure”.
  • You Are Loved Keyring

    'You Are Loved' Keyring.This gorgeous keyring features a pewter token inscribed with the phrase "you are loved" - the perfect reminder for someone to carry around with them daily.The piece has been given a matte finish and attached to a stainless steel split ring.Pair with our Keyring Initial Pebbles for a truly personal touch.
  • You Are My/Our Hero Keyring

    A keyring for your hero.This textured keyring is imprinted with the phrase "you are my hero" or "you are our hero". Just select the preferred phrase from the drop down box.The token is attached to a teardrop shaped split ring made of stainless steel which is ready to attach to your keys.Pair with our Keyring Initial Pebbles for a truly personal touch.
  • You Are Positively Awesome Book

    You Are Positively Awesome is a burst of bright and colourful positivity packed into a joyful hardback book.We all have days when we need a boost and a reminder that we're not alone in feeling like we haven't got it all together. We've all been there! And this book is made for those days - full of positive vibes, self-care ideas and affirmations to live by. 
  • You Can Totally Do This Personalised Cushion

    This huggable cushion makes a gorgeous, unique gift. Customise with any name or nickname of your choice and send positive vibes to a friend or loved one.A lovely, tactile, huggable cushion that makes a gorgeous gifts to send positive vibes to someone going through a tough time or facing a challenge.
  • You Got This Personalised Name Mug (Pink, Blue or Grey)

    'You Got This' personalised mug.A lovely gift to send positive vibes to your loved one.The mug can be personalised with any name of your choice.
  • You're Really Quite Marvellous - Dark Chocolate

    Some luxuriously chocolatey yumminess from The Chocolate Library to add to your gift hamper.Yummy, high quality, dairy-free dark Belgian chocolate.
  • You're The Bee's Knees Keyring

    How cute is this?!Complete with layered up stripes and textured wings, this bee is imprinted with “you’re the bee’s knees” on the back and acts as a reminder of just how brilliant and loved they are.
  • mothers-day-mobile-3 mothers-day-8

    Create A Truly Unique Gift For Mother's Day

    Choose your box design and fill with your selection of gifts.

    Choose your gift box design
    Add the gifts they'll love
    Pick the perfect card
  • You've Got This Book

    Your teenage years are full of new experiences, which can bring with them their own challenges. The stress of exams, peer pressure, and planning for the future can bring about a whirlwind of emotions, affecting how you feel about yourself.A thoughtful gift or practical self-help book for anyone going through challenging changes or moving on to a new chapter, and in need of some support and encouragement. You've got this!